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Greatorex - Ausnet Meat Netting

Greatorex Textile Industries (QLD) P/L is an Australian company producing knitted products for industrial equipments. One product is the meat netting with a trademark Ausnet.

Meat netting used in the meat processing industry, particularly for products such as smoked beef, smoked chicken, roasted lamb and others. The purpose of meat netting is to "form" products in order to appear more attractive, it also serves to merge or tie up some meat separate parts into a whole product.

Ausnet meat netting is used to shape products and weave them together. These products are made from food grade rubber straps, wrapped with polyester material. All materials used in meat netting are in compliance with the rules of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations title 21, section 177.2600 and 177.2800 so it is safe to use for the food industry. Ausnet is also certified SCI QUAL (International HACCP Certified No. 3980).

By using a combination of materials mentioned above, Ausnet has more advantages compared with meat netting made of other materials. Advantages include the product being more robust, elastic and hygienic. Based on its resistance to temperature and how cooking is done Ausnet’s meat netting is divided into two types, netting for boiled or steamed and for baked products (roasting). Ausnet’s polyester products come in colors like red, green etc. so the final product more attractive. Moreover there is Ausnet product which have greater connective strength, characterized as tightly knit. Ausnet products packaged in coils (rolls) with a length between 50 - 100 meters.

Product List Ausnet Meat Netting Greatorex Textile Industries (QLD) P/L - Australia